

my other life as an amateur book reviewer... it's lame, too

come june 9, 2004, it will be the five-year anniversary of my silly review of a headless cupid by zilpha keatley snyder. for some goofy reason, i was so excited when i found out that the book was still in print, that i felt the urgent need to post the following review:

"6 of 8 people found the following review helpful" and look! people reviewed my review!:

i rememer this vividly from my childhood, June 9, 1999

Reviewer: A reader from california

i was just going through amazon to find titles of books i had read as a child. i was pleasantly surprised to find "the headless cupid" still in print. reading this book as an impressionable 7-year old in the early eighties, i wondered around the house with an aluminum foil triangle on my forehead like amanda in the story. the mysterious ending of the novel (which i won't reveal) left a chilling memory that i still carry with me today. these days, i enjoy talking to people my age and asking them what books do they best remember. "the headless cupid" is usually my favorite childhood book about which i ask.

look ma! i'm "famous." maybe, someday i'll learn the difference between "wondered" and "wandered." ouch!

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