small stepsi haven't done any work, but i made many baby steps in improving my life. sort of. 1) i got out of bed in time to have breakfast with "f." 2) i sorted my laundry and i'm in the middle of washing load #2. 3) i finally unpacked my suitcase from india. well, most of the contents are spilled out in the middle of the kitchen floor, but i'm just pausing to note these little accomplishments on my blog, right now. 4) i also assembled my clothes drying rack from target. at first, i was intimidated upon opening the box from which it came and finding it
not pre-assembled, but i practiced linearity and was able to follow the assembling directions. 5) i also talked to "i" on the phone. she's getting married this fall. october 9th to be exact (if she gets the hall and church in long beach that she's pulling for).
me: so, who am i walking down the aisle with?
"i": well, at first i thought, "m," but he's too tall. maybe, "j," but he's married.
me: married? can't you hook me up with someone cute and single?
"i": how about, "a?" i know you don't like him, but he's single.
me: oh, great! oh, forget it. i don't care. who knows? in eight months, maybe i won't care who i'm walking down the aisle with. don't worry about it.
"i": well, then i'll pair you with "a." you're both the same height, anyway. so who's gonna be your date?
me: i don't know. shit. i got eight months. let me work on it.