

after/before/end of/beginning

consumerland--the most expensive place on earth--will use whatever temporal excuse to lure new shopppers during the holidays.

"after christmas sale,"
"pre-new year's sale,"
"end of the year sale,"
"new year's sale."

there's no art to these sales; they have them every damn year. why don't stores try less contrived ways to lure shoppers?

"after divorce sale,"

"s/he dumped you, now buy something to distract yourself sale,"

"alone on valentine's day annual sale,"

"the in-laws are coming to town sale,"

"nothing fits you since you cancelled your gym membership and lost your job sale,"

"you're self-esteem is low, so buy yourself some hot jeans sale,"

"you're clinically depressed but haven't been diagnosed yet sale,"

"just spend 50% more than you would at our 50% off sale, had you just stayed at home to save 100% sale,"

"you have absolutely no idea why you're wandering around in a mall, but you'll buy the first thing that just 'seems' necessary sale."

i think there would finally be a number of shoppers nodding their heads digging these kinds of sales. i hate shopping.

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