check my head
tonight, i was sitting in my room for twenty minutes recovering from food poisoning, when i realized that i had been listening to the santa monica city council meeting on
kcrw for quite some time. why? i don't even live in santa monica. was i that mentally absent?
i'm struggling with trying to write the grants and applications that i have to write this week without thinking of vomiting. it's getting better, though. i seem to get food poisoning at least twice a year. i'm not sure what my knack is for eating food not quite right. maybe it's a reflection of where i am right now in my life. things are "not quite right." yes, i placed that phrase in quotations as if i were quoting someone else who was telling me this.
i've been neglecting
f(r)ictions. i need to push on through until vacation starts.
this thought just in--why are there cheerleaders? i sadly admit that i was one in junior high. the idea baffles me today. do the athletes being "cheered on" really care about the stilted, memorized and rehearsed words of encouragement given by their "dolls in mini skirts?" i remember my friend, susan, once sneezed some pretty big loogie on my leg one day when i was wearing my cheer uniform. the world had stopped at that moment as we both stared at the loogie (sp?) on my thigh. i played it off to save her from embarassment. luckily, it was during science class, so there were plenty of lab station sinks and paper towels to wipe it off... memories... delightful.
i remember during basketball games, i'd have everyone start off with a "rebound that basketball!" cheer (i was head cheerleader, btw,
see the blinding rays of shining pride? it's sarcasm... smell it). i don't even know if i knew what the hell a rebound was, nor, was the team in any situation that would require a rebound, either. the folly of my youth (
i'm still young, you know.)