something better be working
v's comment function isn't working, but i wanted to tell him that
"fast and the furious" didn't suck. (not only is his comment function not working, neither are his permalinks. you reading this?)
t is worried about my chakras. she's on a vicious campaign to "appropriate the appropriator" by frequenting new age stores in berkeley and getting more indian than the non-indians:
"can you do me a favor? if i lend you my chakra workbook, can you promise me to work on your first, second and third chakras?"
according to her, i'm better at seeing dead people than relating to the living and breathing ones here on earth. now, how's
that for social misanthropy? i guess i "owe her one." i love how the state of my chakras is of concern of hers to the extent that i'm doing
her a favor by working on it. oh, well. as
dionne says, "that's what friends are for." now, why can't she go on and tell her
cousin to do her a favor and dump
bobby and the