blogging... martha stewart style
i spent the past two hours reworking the template of my "yet,
another blog." i moved from sans serif fonts to serif fonts, and played around with font colors and sizes. that's the extent to the html-coding i am able to do. i wish i could post pictures, though. that would add such another level to all this cyber scribbling.
as for
sex? in THIS city?-- i killed my online profiles, but i guess i should try and write more about my non-existent love life and cross my fingers that the mentioned parties don't find out about my blog. (i really should work on the template for the sex? in THIS city? blog. i'm not feeling the sans serif fonts, anymore.) GEEK!!!
which brings me back to this blog. i've had this template for over a year now. surprisingly, this blog gets the most readership (enter a smattering of lame applause). now, you all be the judge. would you like me to give and then some a face-lift? compare it with my
other blogs and let me know by using my comment function. (yes, i'm trying to be more interactive... get the crowds going)
visualize: handful of people moving from the fridge to their computer monitors to tell me like it is.
i sense a change coming in the winds of cyberspace...