los angeles times presents?i guess it's a necessary evil. those with the big bucks try and always take to the stage, even when it's not their show. i'm curating a youth activism film/video screening where i show works by youth artists and activists that are offering their visions for a just and more educated world. unfortunately, in order to get money for the film festival of which this screening is a part, all the publicity materials have to say, "the los angeles times presents." HAH! they don't even know what the hell they're presenting. i was even asked to allow a representative from the LA times "give a few words." on WHAT?! it pisses me off that when given one of the few opportunities to promote and showcase INDEPENDENT MEDIA i have to allow someone from the LA TIMES! to GIVE A FEW WORDS??!!! they have a fucking newspaper issued 7 days a week in print and on the Web. that should be enough. they don't need to take any more time from youth of color telling it like it REALLY is.