the madness of looking through raw web logs
hey, "r," i hope you don't mind me posting vaguely about things you e-mail me (and if you do, well, you are the admin of this blog...) this is in regard to how easily privacy can be breached on the internet, and how easy it is to find out strange things about strange people, and how easy it can be to track down who exactly is linking to your site.
you would think that i would have better things to do with my free time, considering how little of it i actually have, but no, i am most definitely a nerd and a geek. for some reason,
someone linked to an
ancient blog entry of mine. (yeah, ancient is a relative term on the internet) geek that i am, i culled the referring url from my server logs. now i must admit that i read the
linking post while i was in a post-call stupor, so i took it for granted that i wouldn't understand what was going on, but even now, after 6 hours of sleep, i
still can't figure out what the post was trying to say, and i have absolutely no idea why there is a hyperlink sitting there leading to my own post. something about fubar. (or, to the unix geek, foobar) ah well. i know better than to hope that someone will explain things to me and make everything clear, but i'm going to post this anyway because i believe in the beauty of futility. (how's this for confusing and incoherent?)