the search continues...i'm about to give up on finding heinrich's post. i have no idea what happened to his posts. sorry, deuteronomy. do you have them saved anywhere?
i've been glancing over other people's blogs. the one's i've come across have an eclectic mix of odd bathroom issues to
wishy washy stances on the war. at one point, one of them cites footage from cnn and msnbc to say that "our military
rules!... go US." indeed. go... AWAY from invading other countries you imperialist uncle sam! then there's this
legal professor from UNC who uses antiseptic legal logic to justify what he claims
isn't racial profiling of iraqi-born individuals. according to him, it's okay if the fbi seeks and questions
some iraqi nationals. i wrote him asking if he knew whether or not the US government detained, interrogated or interned german-born individuals during the US war against the Axis powers during World War II. i'm waiting for his reply. on the
radio, i heard more about how community colleges all over California are raising tuition fees over 100%. wow. the campaign to track america's poor, and youth of color into either the military or the prison system is well underway. why is affirmative action only working on the front lines of war or on death row? it gives new meaning to the call, "represent, hep! hep!" who the hell needs an education or health care! just give dubya his $75 billion! yeah. i love america. HI ASHCROFT!