forgive the self-referential posting
really. blogging about blogging is like a newspaper writing about the ink and paper on which its words are printed--but, i had to do it. apologies.
the "next blog" option at the top of all newly published blogger blogs is really an interesting option. i get to peruse blogs of people i know i'll never meet and whose blogs i may have never seen. just now, i clicked on the "next blog" link and got this hilarious exchange between a blogger and the people who love/hate and comment on his blog.
a comment thread between the blogger's girlfriend and the "hater" went like this:
"You [the blogger] a with out a shadow od a doubt the biggest ass hole I have ever met in my life"
# posted by [hater]
"[insert hater's name] you really need to learn how to spell. And if you got to know [insert blogger author] you would know that he isent an asshole. Your problem is that your closed minded."
# posted by [blogger's girlfriend]
"Of crouse ur going to defend ur bf duh, However i have learn to see what is there ad i don't look through rose colored glass I see the woorld for the flith hole it turly is"
# posted by [hater] :
"Just because he is my b/f dosent mean i have to stand up for him i am just saying that you are closed minded because you see all the bad because some bad things have happened to you and you cant get over it so you cant see all the good things. oh and by the way learn how to spell."
# posted by [girlfriend]
these serendipitous reads in cyberspace really bring a sparkle to my life.
just like...
i went on a
date this past saturday to see the gunther von hagens'
"body worlds" exhibit of real human body sculptures. at the end of the three hour trek through bodies and body parts, i found this comment written about the exhibit in a visitor's comments book:
"my stomach is still queasy, but my mind is sparkling with understanding."
a classic find! what a way with words.