whoo! i'm on a roll when i finally get a night off.this is a dream i wrote down a while back, when life was just a bit more different than it is right now:
dream: i had found out that an asteroid was on its way to Earth and that humankind was on its way to destruction. scientists were unsure if the Earth's atmosphere would burn up the asteroid. Upon hearing the news, I had remembered that "i" had mentioned seeing a "falling star" in the sky.
skip to: i was watching through a high-rise window at a downtown high-rise landscape. i saw a big plane with sparks burning off its underbelly flying extremely low. a man's voice behind me had said: "oh no. there's something wrong." i saw the wings clipping high-rise office buildings as it descended unsteadily. i kept saying: "oh no! oh no!"
skip to: a ground view. i was in a type of parking lot for a park. i saw parked cars, couples, mothers and children. and then, i saw the plane crashing, tumbling, people running. it was then that it seemed like it was on t.v. because i could turn away. i was reading a magazine article written by the daughter of a "progressive" politician--a woman. she (the daughter) was writing about how in this time of "terror," the u.s. could only protect itself if the citizens all believed in the same thing. this would "weed out" potential terrorists. i remember reading this and feeling sick. i thought: "how could she?" i was worried that we'd all have to be these flag-waving patriots in order to prove we weren't terrorists. then, "f" and "w" were talking about school and how they were studying the same topics: "american indians." i said: "yep. they
were here!"--
date of the dream journal entry: 11.22.02 i think the woman politician was my dream take on pelosi... damn her.